1/ What is the file format in the content packs?
The files are available in No PreMultiply PNG.
Don’t hesitate to download one of the free content packs if you have any doubt.
2/ Can I make a website using elements such as badges, buttons,… and sell it to a client?
YES. The content packs are designed for that purpose.
3/ Is it possible to modify colours, shapes or sizes of sprites for my game?
YES. But you can’t make them available individually without the game.
4/ I made a collection/library of content, can I include yours if I have already paid them?
NO. Re-selling and/or distributing for free the whole content or individual parts is strictly forbidden.
5/ Do you offer discount prices, pleaaaaase?
NO. All the content packs available on this website are already affordable stock art.
6/ Can I use a content pack for two different games without having to pay for the licence again?
YES. Once you bought a pack from the store, you have the licence for what you want since it follows the licence agreement.
It will be clearly notified if a special package is one time licensed.
7/ I bought the content pack called XYZ123 and it’s still available on the website!
Bear in mind that all the products from the store have non-exclusive rights.
8/ What payment options are available?
We accept payments by credit card and PayPal.
9/ Do I need to credit you?
Crediting Royalty Free Content Packs and/or Naaty Design is not required, but appreciated.
10/ Those sprites are not quite what I am looking for… :'(
If you don’t find your needs for your project(s), don’t hesitate to contact us with as much information as possible and we will get in touch with an estimate.
If you have any questions, please use the contact form.
Don’t hesitate to send us the url of the game(s) you are making with the sprites of Royalty Free Content Packs, it will be advertised!